
Optical Cutting

There are two gas used in oxygen cutting progress: flammable and burner. Oxygen is the burner and flammable gas is acetylene and propane. Oxygen is a colorless and odorless gas frequently used in the health and industrial sector, which makes up 21% of the air. Oxygen is mostly obtained by the method of liquefaction and separation of air. Oxygen is stored in seamless tubes. Attention is paid to ensure that the gas used in cutting is pure and moisture-free. Oxygen has two functions in flame cutting: Burning the annealed area up to the rated temperature in the flame, which is used to anneal the steel up to the burning temperature.

Oxygen gas is used at different pressures in both of the above mentioned places. For cutting, the part must be annealed first. The oxygen pressure used until annealing of the part is called ANNEALING PRESSURE. After the part has reached the annealing temperature, pressure oxygen is sent to the cutting area and the oxygen pressure used for both increasing the heat and removing the slag from the piece is called CUT PRESSURE.

Flammable gasses are gases with hydrogen and carbon atoms. Acetylene (C2H2): Acetylene, which is obtained by contacting Calcium Carbide with water, is a flammable, colorless gas that burns with bright flame that smells like rotten garlic. When combined with oxygen, it gives about 3500 C temperature.

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